"He left" at the age of 92 the director of "The Holocaust"


French filmmaker, writer and director Claude Lazman left his last breath at the age of 92. The director of "Shoah" Holocaust "), died" this morning at his residence. He was very, very weak for a few days, "said a spokesman for the publishing house Gallimard, with whom he contacted the French Agency

transferred to the Saint-Jean Hospital. Antoin from Paris where his death was discovered., According to the Athens-Macedonian press agency

The filmmaker's death was confirmed by the spokesperson of his latest film, "The Four Sisters", which was broadcast in theaters Wednesday [19659002] Hebrew, (his grandparents were Belarussian immigrants), the director of the Holocaust, the great documentary on the extermination of the Jews of Europe, which saw dozens millions of viewers in the world, Lanzman was also a journalist, director of politics, literary and philosopher Modern Times and writer

A friend of Jean-Paul Sartre, a seven-year-old companion of Simón de Beauvoir, was a defender defender of the Israeli affair

He has was greatly influenced by the tragic death of his son, Felix, "Who was defeated last year, at age 23, by ruthless cancer."

"Death does not go without saying. I am not at all in favor of death. I still believe in life. I love life to madness, although it's often not funny, "he recently told a French journalist

who claims the characterization of the resistance and the truth fighter [19659002] "If I am categorical, relationship with the truth. When I see what I have done in my life, I think I have done the truth.

  • 1925: Birth on November 27 in Boua-Columbus (Paris region)
  • 1943: Adoption in the Resistance against the German occupation
  • 1952: Becomes a friend of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir and saw a love story with the feminist philosopher until 1959
  • 1972: His first film, "Why Israel" (Why Israel)
  • 1985: The "Shoah" was released, this who took 12 years to shoot. The film, which lasts 9 hours and 30 minutes, is world famous and has received numerous awards, including a Cézar prize in France in 1986
  • 1986: Chef of Modern Times, (19659013) 2009: Ses memories "The hare Patagonia", which enthusiastically welcome criticism
  • 2013: Honorable Golden Bear at the Berlinale for the whole
  • 2013: The film "The last of the unjust" [196590] 13] 2018 : Died in Paris on July 5th.

"A huge loss for humanity"

The death of a French filmmaker, writer and director is a "great loss to humanity", his spokesman the Israeli minister Foreign Minister Emmanuel Nbadon, while German Foreign Minister Haik Maas praised his memory, claiming that the "Holocaust" allowed for "reconciliation".

"The death of Claud Lanzman is a huge loss for humanity, especially for the Jewish people," said Nbados N.

Lanzman "again gave a voice to the millions of Jews who have been exterminated by the Nazis and made the world aware of the magnitude of this tragedy. "

German Foreign Minister Haik Maas wrote on Twitter:" Any of us who wonder what should to be our responsibility as "Germans are" the Holocaust, "said the Israeli spokesman. he accomplished, Claud Lanzman made reconciliation possible.And it will last. "

Maas also declared that Shoah, the great documentary on the extermination of the Jews of Europe," is a film that many will never forget. "

German Minister of Economy Peter Almaier, he also expressed his condolences on Twitter after the death of "Patagonia Swarm", named after the book of Lanzan published in 2009, in which he recounts his travels, his encounters and his battles

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