He was arrested by former Sharif Prime Minister who landed in Pakistan


Former Pakistani Prime Minister Naujar Sharif and his daughter Mariam returned to Pakistan today and risk many years of imprisonment in a high-risk action to mobilize his party for the elections legislative elections to be held on 25 July.

The plane carrying Sharif and his daughter landed in Lahore around 8:45 am local time (19:45). Both were sentenced a week ago by a court for corruption cases. They were arrested at the airport, as reported by Reuters and the French Agency and relayed by the Athens News Agency

In July 2017, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ended the third term after the revelations about luxury properties owned by his family through offshore companies.

The Pakistani justice then forbids him to run his party, PML-N, and forbids him to participate in any election.

The PML-N party, now headed by his brother, Shahbaz Sharif, is one of the victims of the conspiracy to make a conspiracy. the main parties participating in the parliamentary elections to be held on 25 July. Its main rival is PTI, led by former crutch champion Imran Can

Their return could provoke turbulence in the electoral race that has been stigmatized by accusations that the powerful Pakistani army conspires in Khan, [19659002] Crashes broke out Friday night on the central road leading to Lahore between Sharif supporters and thousands of police officers who had been deployed, according to an eyewitness from Reuters news agency. There was no report of the function injured

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