He was deprived of a major terrorist attack on July 4th


The risk of a major terrorist attack is far from over, which turned out to be the case after the FBI managed to prevent a bomb attack in Cleveland, which would be celebrated during the festivities and parade of Independence Day of the United States on July 4th.

The intelligence service identified a man who had opened a channel of communication with al-Qaeda, the terrorist. an organization that Osama bin Laden created and continues to exist as one of the networks of Islamic extremist terrorism.

A secret agent reunited Sunday with the man, provoking the al-Qaeda member, which resulted in

The interrogation revealed that the & agent [[[[[[[[[[[[[[1965196519651965196519651965196519651965ThemanwhohadbeenarrestedhadorganizedabombinginClevelandduringthebigparadeonJuly4thAshesaidbeforetheidentityoftheagentwasrevealedthemanhadtheintentiontokillasmuchashecouldandwouldbeattackedbyaknife

A similar badault with at least 10 victims was made at the 2015 Boston Marathon by the Chechen brothers were inspired by the action of al-Qaeda

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