The extraordinary financial badistance to the municipalities of Marathon, Megareon and Rafina-Pikermi, amounting to 2,000,000 euros, was approved by the Minister of the Interior, Panos Skourletis. The minister responded quickly to the requests submitted by these municipalities on the basis of specific government guidelines to badist the inhabitants of the areas affected by the fires in order to immediately launch all necessary damage to the work on basic infrastructure.
By charging the account of the Ministry of the Interior "Program for prevention and treatment of damage and disasters caused by natural disasters in local communities". (1969002) Municipality of Marathon: 700 000 euros
Municipality of Megareon: 600 000 euros
Municipality of Marathon, municipality of Megareon, municipality of Megareon, municipality of Megareon, Rafina-Pikermi: 700 000 euros
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