Historical Discovery: Found a huge underground lake with wet water on the planet Mars! – Environment


After years of research, dozens of theories and hundreds of millions of dollars to develop the appropriate technologies and tools, scientists from the Italian Space Agency have shown that a huge lake of & # 39; 39, wet water on the planet Mars has been discovered!

According to the researchers, the lake is 1.5 km deep under ice in the south pole of the red planet and has an area of ​​20 km. Despite the fact that the temperature is -68ºC, the lake's water remains in the liquid state due to its high magnesium, sodium and calcium salts and, in conjunction with the ice pressure , the cooling point is reduced

Read also: NASA has confirmed the existence of liquid water on Mars! [Video]

The discovery was made with the aid of MARSIS (advanced radar of Mars for the underground and ionospheric sounding) on ​​ESA's Mars Express spacecraft (European Space Agency) ). The tool sends impulses to the surface of the planet and records how they are reflected back to the boat, thus identifying the elements even beneath the surface.

The researchers badyzed data from 29 pulse series that took place between May 2012 and December 2015. They noticed that an area near the south pole of Mars was giving signals similar to those obtained from underground lakes under icebergs in Antarctica and Greenland

The discovery of such a (19459005) Elon Musk slowly, while the area automatically becomes a candidate for the search for elements of microbial life

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