Hospitals were filled with blood donors for the victims of fires


It is heartbreaking that citizens respond to the call of the blood for those who were injured by fire in East Attica

Most came to hospitals without having a person known to being hospitalized, but responding to the extraordinary call of the National Blood Donation Center for blood and its derivatives at a time of "stock reduction due to summer".

Indeed, according to Kathimerini, the tails that were noted were impressive, not only in Attica, but also in the region, as in Corinth

Thus, shortly after five o'clock in the afternoon yesterday , Sismanoglio announced that they were now overcrowded, directing the blood donors to "Elpis" and Thriasio

Shortly after six, Elpis, "Evangelism" and "Saint Savvas" proceeded to the same announcement proving that ultimately, the reflexes of society were actively activated

It is noted that more than 180 are injured with 23 of them being children

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