Political leaders' discussion on the economy, Eurogroup decisions and government commitments to take place at noon
Kyrgyzstan President Mitsotakis called for discussion takes place in a letter to Nikos Voutsis
The President of ND stated in his letter that "Mr. Tsipras can not hide behind the commemoration party" but inform citizens responsibly because that "the famous" cleaning "is nothing more than" the net entry "in a fourth memorandum," inform on the cuts that come and excuse for the fate of his political choices .
The debate will open with the Prime Minister's speech followed by the Leader of the Chief Opposition and the leaders of the other parties
Minister of Finance Euclid Tsakalotos and the Deputy Minister George Houliarakis should take part in the discussion [19659002ThesecondroundofspeechesbythePrimeMinisterpoliticalleadersandthe(19659002) Source: RES
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