How can the mayors of the 5 islands react to the suspension of VAT?


"We declare that we will react and we will not accept the creation of new structures in our islands for the encroachment of immigrants and refugees.We find it unacceptable that the practice – from where and when It comes – is to interpret the suspension of the abolition of reduced VAT rates on our islands in return for the creation of new structures.Our islands can not resist other migrants and refugees, and this is what everyone needs to understand. "Decongestion is a top priority for the entire north Aegean Sea," noted the mayors of the five Aegean islands at the Aegean. announces the indefinite extension of the reduced VAT rates

the Greek islands, and indeed the lands which constitute the human frontier of Europe, equal to all the other citizens of the European Union, will continue just as our struggle continues not to turn into one, "said Lesvos mayors Spyros Galenos, Chios Manolis Vournos, Samos Michalis Angelopoulos, Kos Giorgos Kyritsis and Leros Michalis Kolias, according to the Athens press agency

. links the problem of refugees / migration to something which concerns the Community principle of insularity enshrined in the Constitution and which is a recognized right of all the island regions of the EU, it can also open the cause of Aeolos continues it and makes Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos and Leros hostages of an extreme "reality".

The struggle of mayors of the northeastern Aegean to prevent the destruction of local communities and the increase of VAT rates has been intense, continuous, incessant, has already reached the relevant European institutions and will continue with a flawless intensity and at all levels until the adoption of permanent reduced VAT rates for all island Greece.

For us, the suspension of the application of this decision very unfair and essentially anti-European, if it concerns the refugee, although temporarily relieving the economy of our islands, is not a reason for celebration, because this is not part of a more rational national issue management, ultimately critical based on European acquisitions, but in a special "bazar" in which the role of our border regions is the one of a currency with (f, f, q, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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