How many swans do Queen Elizabeth – Newsbeast


The Swan Upping, a 800-year-old tradition of counting the Queen's swans, began yesterday Monday and will last five days in the Thames

The ceremony still takes place in the third week of July and is the annual record population of the Crown Swans, a 12th century tradition when the Crown was the owner of all swans swans. Today, the Queen exercises a limited property right in parts of the Thames and its tributaries

The count is done by three groups, one representing the Queen and the other representing the former badociations of Oenopholes and Dafes. The royal group is made up of men wearing red roses with the royal emblem who are under the swan, who wears a traditional gold red jacket with gold medallions

on the Thames in southern England to catch, mark and then leave each family of swans with cubs. When a nest is born with a newborn, the slogan "All upright!" It is understood, the boats take their place, then the swans are weighed, measured and undergo a brief medical examination. the royal swimmer counts under the sign of the water birds crossing the Thames in six traditional pedal boats. Every trade has flags and banners on this trip.

The custom dates back to the time when the British crown first claimed possession of all dumb swans. The water bird was then considered a delicacy for royal dishes. In modern times, the ceremony has become a way to protect wildlife that also has an educational purpose. The British no longer eat the bird-bird, which is protected by law

The count of last year showed that there were 132 newborn swans in the Thames, stunning thus a downward trend observed in previous measurements

"The law says that any swan can swim in the open sea, but the monarch mainly exercises this right on the Thames," said David Barber, an expert from the Athens News Agency. Schools are encouraged to observe the measurement closely, during which birds receive rings with personal identification numbers for protection purposes.

Pbading the Windsor Tower, the rowing boats of the Royal Team stand and salute (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns: n = f.fbq = function () {n. callMethod?
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