I ask for respect for my health


Questioned by the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, when a journalist asked him today that he was drunk when he was overwhelmed and in need of help to walk at the NATO summit held last week

The President of the European Commission said at a press conference on an EU funding program, as the ############################################################################## 39; badistant had said earlier, had a saliva crisis that has been suffering for a while with foot cramps last Wednesday.

A video shows other leaders at the NATO summit to help Juncker, who arrives in Washington next week for crucial trade talks with US President Donald Trump, resulting in Eurosceptic politicians calling for his resignation

The 63-year-old former 63-year-old Luxembourg Prime Minister reported back and leg pain in the past and rejected claims that his problem last week had something to do with it. 39; alcohol.

"It was accurate last Wednesday and it is accurate this morning and it will be fine tonight and tomorrow morning," he told reporters. "I am struck by the interest of some on these issues, which are not even insignificant and I demand respect."

Following the NATO summit, Juncker participated in a series of meetings and traveled abroad this week to China and Japan.

Juncker repeatedly rejected claims that he has an alcohol problem, an badertion made by the British media mainly when London was trying to block his appointment four years ago.

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