I did not even fall three times or carry a dozen or I did not have a Gucci bag


The wife of the Vice President of New Democracy gave his own answer via Twitter

His own answer regarding the incident of his fall from the triple "Olympiada" was given by Evgenia Manolidou via his Twitter account

To the great disappointment of most of them, I did not even have any drops on three sides, nor a dozen linens, nor a Gucci bag that I 've never had in my life – in general. But, when did you really care about your interest and now … "

To the great disappointment of most of them, I have not even had a triple fall, nor a dozen clothes, nor a Gucci bag that I've ever had in my life – in general. But when did you worry about the truth about yourself and now …

– EYGENIA MANOLIDOU (@ManolidouE) July 19, 2018

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