"I gave instructions to sell all the entrances …


"In order to maintain public confidence, I have given instructions to sell all my holdings and the proceeds to be placed in US Treasury securities." US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said on July 12 that US diplomatic sources had recalled the statement, responding to the US government's independent ethics authority.

In his letter, Ross agreed with the Authority that "the success of our government lies in maintaining the trust of the people we serve" and has ensured that its ethical obligations are met. seriously and he is determined to serve the American people.

In the same letter, Ross admitted that he had made unintentional mistakes in making the concessions required by the Code of Conduct. My investments, he said, were complex and included hundreds of cases. He added, however, that he had reported all the errors and that he had worked diligently with his ethics officers within his department to ensure that he would avoid any conflict of interest.

"In order to maintain public confidence, I have given instructions to sell all my badets and the proceeds to be placed in US Treasury securities," he concluded in his letter Mr. Ross

Source: RES-EAP

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