I hurt myself for our Greece


During the first half-hour, the Brazilian footballer's players harvested more than 250,000 hearts – and more than 2,200 comments

The Brazilian ex-Ronaldinho has been added to the list of world celebrities

The "magician" of the "round goddess" grew Thursday afternoon in her narrative at Instagram a photo of the tragedy that Greece is experiencing in the last 24 hours of the day. Eastern Attica. in which she is immortalized is in front of the Greek flag and the Parthenon, accompanying the following message in Greek:

"I hurt myself for our Greece and our Athens." Courage my Greek brothers, my thoughts and prayers together, "and put a hashtag #PrayForGreece and the Greek flag

In the first half-hour, the post" Roni "has collected more than 250,000 hearts – the likes on Facebook – and more than 2,200 comments, many by Greek users Instagram. "Thank you Ronny, we feel and you are still in our heart", "thank you Ronaldinho", "the big thumbs to a world football legend" were a few Comments

Ronaldinho has already expressed his admiration for Greece and his love for the Greeks.He also visited our country several times for a summer vacation to have fun in a box. at night or under a commercial agreement with sponsors.

Despite having hooked on his football boots, he remains one of the hottest names. In June 2017 he arrived in Athens and "broke" at the center where Antonis Remos appeared, and the next day he left with a cruise ship to Mykonos from where he attended the final of the Champions League. function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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