"I saw Chrysa Spiliotis swimming in the beach, I say, burn Neos Voutzas"


Protothema provided a fairly important testimony. Maria Anastasopoulou a resident of Neo Voutzas, met Chrysa Spilioti and her husband, at the time of the fire, yet another actress did not realize the slightest of what happened in the area

"We parked our cars and went to the beach, I found the actress, who had disappeared, swam with her husband.The woman had nothing she asked me why we were upset and told her that Buja burned and burned our house, we finished, and she said to me, "Do not do that, there is no problem since you are good, "says Lady Maria.

Shortly after she points out that she lost the actor when she started to leave beach, so to be informed of the fire and his own home. "

" I lost her after five minutes of panic.I guess she would go home to the woman to change, she was with her swimsuit, she swam with her husband. If there were five minutes left on the beach, it would surely get drunk. "

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