I will not publish the Kotzia letter of resignation


Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will attend the meeting of Heads of State and Government at the Brexit European Council.

At a press conference held in Brussels, Mr Tsipras stressed that the UK's relations with the rest of the EU were at a crucial point. "There is a stalemate, I hope it will be temporary," said the Prime Minister, saying the current situation "reflects the weakness of Britain in a clear attitude and position. deadlock is also a political stalemate ".

As Alexis Tsipras said, "Greece supports the efforts of the EU negotiator, Michel Barniere" and added: "It is a question of extending the timetable of an agreement Greece will support it ".

Move the deepening of the euro zone

"The deepening of the eurozone must take place according to the timetable set by the European Commission.Europe can not prepare for the next crisis without having learned the lessons of the previous crisis. with Mario Draghi and Mario Senteno, "said Alexis Tsipras.

He even summoned the ECB president who had warned of a new financial crisis ahead. "Draghi said that the sky is dark in the depths of the sky, and if we have to repair the roof, we have to do it now that it's sunny and not when it starts to rain" was the characteristic phrase of Mr. Tsipras.

"We need new rules and institutions.To complete the joint deposit guarantee of a banking syndicate and consider unemployment as a goal of systemic stability in the euro area," said Alexis Tsipras, before de-stressing. add: "The Spanish Prime Minister and I have asked for the creation of a European unemployment fund."


"Border protection, police and the establishment of European coastguards and border guards, completion of the reimbursement regulation and upgrading of the asylum service." Review of a policy common asylum through a permanent process of redistribution of asylum seekers.I have stressed that the refusal of some countries to contribute to the redistribution did not allow to find a common solution ", said Mr. Tsipras.

Soon after, the Prime Minister received questions from the journalists. The first question concerned the possibility of early elections or the possibility that Mr Tsipras would request a vote of confidence on the part of this House.

"There have been two-and-a-half-year reports for two-month elections.I would advise those who predict elections to play and not much, because their predictions have not been verified, could be luckier at the game," said Mr. Tsipras.

Resignation letter Kotzia

Responding to a question of knowing he would make public the resignation letter of Nikos Kotzias, as he had urged – yesterday, the Prime Minister stated that, as he had been informed, his envelope contained an envelope closed bearing the words "strictly personal". When I return, I will read this letter and meet Mr. Kotzias tomorrow.
However, I do not get used to publishing personal letters and I will not even do it now. This problem for me is over, he said.
Continuing his response, he personally referred to Mr. Kotzias, saying that he had left a very important project to the Foreign Ministry and had taken foreign policy to the highest level by implementing policies that we had designed and implemented together.
Nikos Kotzias – he concluded – was not only a minister and a partner, but it was an open book on foreign policy issues and I am very happy to have the #################################################### 39 occasion to book it regularly and in the future.

Answering a question of whether he will remain temporarily in the position of Foreign Minister and then hand it over to someone else replied:

My statement yesterday was clear on this issue. I will badume the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until the conclusion of the agreement of Prespa
The symbolism and responsibility is to ensure that the Prespa Agreement is concluded and successfully ratified.
It is a one-way constitutional amendment aimed at achieving the integration of the neighboring country into the EU and NATO.
I wish Mr. Zaev good luck.

For bilingualism and burned

Another expression from a different point of view, that no one can forbid the national line formulated internationally by the competent people, by the Greek ministers.
From now on, whoever represents the country abroad will be there with the hat of the national line.
When asked if he was a hostage, Camden said the government was acting, that he had a clear purpose and that no one was threatening him.

To meet Dragoi-Kere

I asked for his reflections, his appreciations on the evolution of the European economy.
Greek bonds are disrupted by exogenous factors, the Italian economy and emerging economies
Recently, we are optimistic that international markets recognize that the fundamentals of the Greek economy are good, which makes us atheist. In the end, the Italian crisis will not affect the course of the final exit of Greece.

For a Greek budget

The fact that Greece chooses how to achieve these goals shows that Greece has turned the page. The Italian government has presented a budget problem that deviates from the agreed target of about 1.5% of GDP. Our budget not only does not deviate but is below the target, so we expect to
The Greek government is running on the prescribed tracks in a clear direction
and the attempt to leave Greece out of the crisis
we have the agreement of Prespa which reinforces the geopolitical role of the country in the Balkans
I am determined to defend with all my strength at once. Protecting one is a prerequisite for protecting the other. I do nothing but express my intention to complete the process with a view to a definitive exit from the crisis

For pensions

Interviewed by protothema.gr correspondent Ioannis Antypas on partial cuts in pensions.
As far as I know something like the one you are writing now, Greece does not need to retaliate. Greece needs development measures, becoming more attractive for growth. The budget we have tabled not only does not provide for restrictive measures, but also includes extension measures that we will legislate one at a time. It will be regrettable that the opposition will come to vote on the measures not for the 4th memorandum but for the memorandum.

In a similar question, he even said: "Have a little patience to meet the Eurogroup.Why should we? Do not become bad guys, do not be Cbadandra.The fact is that we table budgets in goals and not what combination of policies the government will follow.

For Greek-Turkish

It is our steadfast policy to protect our sovereign rights, "he said," We have taken all the measures planned at the diplomatic and military level.
I do not want to give the question a bigger dimension than it has. I had the opportunity to talk to Ms. Merkel about Euro-Turkish relations and Mr. Makron. They informed me that they would travel to Constantinople by the end of the year to discuss Syriac with Ergangan and Russia.
Turkey must respect international law in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean.
With regard to the Cyprus issue, he stated that he was the promoter of efforts to build bridges and to indicate how we support the resumption of negotiations on a just and viable solution.

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