I will respect the agreement with the FYROM – SKAI (www.skai.gr)



The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung organizes an in-depth interview with Kyriakos Mitsotakis, President of Kyrgyzstan. The newspaper Die Welt refers to the lawsuit that Al.

Deutsche Welle – Kostas Symeonidis


Through the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, the leader of the main opposition Kyriakos Mitsotakis calls for elections as soon as possible now has to offer anything in the country.On August 20, Greece 's third and final European rescue program expires, we need a new government that will lead the country to the country. future. "With the exception of tourism, the economy does not grow."

Mr. Mitsotakis criticizes the fact that there will be enhanced post-mortem surveillance of the country, which he attributes the lack of trust in the Greek government. "If there was enough confidence that the government would implement the agreed reforms, then there would be no need for such a strict monitoring mechanism for everything that is happening in Greece. "

There is room for maneuver from the tax that he promises to be elected, Mr. Mitsotakis replies that he will respect the objectives agreed with the lenders, but in his opinion there is room for maneuver. "We want to reduce costs and reduce taxes.The government has done little to reform public administration.In the last three years, however, staff costs (staff payroll) have increased by 500 million. I want a smaller but more efficient state, "he says, noting that this does not involve layoffs but fewer recruits than the number of retirements and the reduction in term contracts determined. "I would reduce taxes and (in return) I would expect more tax consciousness. For lawsuits against tax cheats, there are now better opportunities than before. "

For the name of FYROM, the ND president says:" I clearly said that I did not like this agreement. But I also say that I will respect it as a duty of the country, if it has been ratified by the Greek Parliament. But mine, ND, will vote against. "

" Tsipras loses his case at the expense of the police "

On the occasion of the acquittal of the 18 police officers following the charges they had filed in 2011 for having exercised extreme police violence, the President of SYRIZA Alexis Tsipras and Zoe Konstantopoulou, the newspaper Die Welt recalls the huge delays in the administration of justice in Greece, which was also recorded by a recent DIW survey [19659009] Under the title "Tsipras loses lawsuits at the expense of his police" he said The proceedings are often so long that they are an obstacle for potential foreign investors. "

According to the newspaper, what remains of the Tsipra case against the police is: "Specifically, the revolutionary Tsipras who defended against the alleged police violence he now needs these police forces for his own safety and his government." Against the cuts and immigration policies, the government recruited the police […]. "

Prime Minister's Press Office Response

" Once again, Mr. Mitsotakis is exhibited internationally. Half of the European Commission and all the institutions, insisting that the country would have submitted a fourth memorandum, said today to the Suddeutsche Zeitung, put aside the grievances and declared that "on August 20, the third and last bailout program for Greece ends ". [19659011] We welcome Mr Mitsotakis' painful compromise with reality. "

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