A resident of Neu Vujza made a shocking revelation about Chrysa Spiliotis, one of the men missing from Mati's deadly fire.
As Maria Anastasopoulou mentions, she met Chryssa Spiliotis and her husband who were in the sea at the time the fire broke out, while stressing that the actor and her husband had not nothing understood of what was happening. in the area.
"We parked our cars and went down to the beach, I found the actor, disappeared, swam with her husband." The woman had not understood anything, she mated me. asked why we were upset and told her that Buja burned and burned our house, we finished, and she said, "Do not do that, there's no problem since you're good" says Maria
A little later she says that she lost the actor from her eyes as she started to leave the beach, be informed of the fire and from his own home.
"I lost it after five minutes of panic. I guess she would go home to change the woman, she was with her swimsuit, she swam with her husband. If he remained five minutes on the beach, he would certainly be angry, "said Ms. Anastasopoulou to the prototheme.
Unfortunately, the husband of Spiliotis' wife was identified yesterday, so that the agony of the actor continues.
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