I'm afraid of left-wing bullies [βίντεο]


28/11/18 • 15:04 | UPD 28/11/18 • 15:12

Press room eleftherostypos.gr

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"I am afraid to be released because of the bullies on the left.They threaten me not only me, but also the members of my family.When yesterday thrown me to Kalyvia, the Prime Minister has chill yogurt, "he said.

Theodoros Pangalos reiterated that he lived with less than 370 euros a month, but also describes how he was treated with indifference by the Minister of Economy, Euclid Tsakalotos, who had sent him a letter.

"I wrote a letter to Euclid Tsakalotos, who responded with an official letter without understanding anything.EUR 1,200 is an unreasonable minimum because it owes somebody to the public sector.Mr. seized for inheritance tax, and kept them in the General Accounting Department. "


He then said: "I am afraid to be released because of the bullies of the left.They threaten me not only me, but also the members of my family.When yogurt was thrown to Kalyvia, the Prime Minister has cooled yogurt, "he said.

As President Theodoros Pangalos told SKAI, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan played not only in the eastern Mediterranean, but also in the Aegean Sea, but also as part of the military preparation: "all I know , it's that I do not know anything. "


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