Immortality Castrougal suppressed – Demands of Meimarakis-Loverdos


The lifting of the immunity of Deputy Foreign Minister George Katrougalos and Deputy SYRIZA Yiannis Stefos, which he himself requested, was decided by the House of Representatives.

On the contrary, he rejected the application for waiver of immunity Andreas Loverdos and the former president of the Democratic Alliance Vangelis Meimarakis

More specifically:
For Mr. Katrougalos: Yes , 174 deputies voted, No. 7.
For Stefos: Yes, 175 deputies voted, No. 3.
For Mr. Meimarakis: No 175 deputies, yes 5
For Mr. Loverdos: No ψ 171 Members, Yes 11.

The case of Mr. Kathrougalos concerns the infidelity with respect to the common and continuous service of a total value of more than 500,000 euros, to the detriment of the Greek state, offense committed during the period 2010 –

The case of Mr Meimarakis concerned the investigation, after an extrajudicial declaration of a citizen, of any criminal offense for breach of his obligations during the period when he was President of Parliament

The case of Mr. Loverdos concerned a crime

Minister of Foreign Affairs again requested that his immunity be lifted, as he had done before the Ethics Committee, stating that his case was the subject of an investigation not on the basis of his own opinion. but the responsibility of all the professors of the Democritus University of Thrace, members of the Committee for Research and Management of the Special Account for Research Funds for the years 2010-2013

"I request the waiver of my immunity no there is any shadow of criminal or other responsibility, but because it is the duty of the political world, given the constitutional revision, not to give the impression that we want to be protected, "said Kathuigalos:

"We must send a message the civilian personnel do not have immunity, do not want to be protected, and especially that things change.The unacceptable status of immunity n & # 39; It is not something that we support, and we are giving today a strong signal that we want to change. "

" I believe that the honor of civilian personnel in the country is protected when we are we do not even give the slightest impression that we are let's get our illegal protection from judicial review. "

For his part, Mr. Stefos asked that his immunity be lifted" to end ", he said," this case for which there is already discharge by the civil courts. "

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