Impressive statement of Metropolitan Thessaloniki Anthimos: There are no other planets outside the Earth | units, politics


Another point of debate, expressed in his sermon last Sunday, was the Metropolitan of Thessalonica, Anthimos.

In his sermon, Anthimos urged the faithful not to give any foundation to what they had heard that some people had been on other planets and so on.

Quoting in particular his conversation with an eminent scientist, whose name he did not remember, he explained: "My interlocutor has said that the conclusions of the young scientists have not yet been filed" .

Indeed, he informed the believers that 40 years ago, a foreign capital in Europe had gathered in heaven to see amazing things but … had not seen anything. "The Russians made a connection (…) they saw, but we did not see," he said.

"The great scientists say nothing is more like the planet Earth," he added.

However, Mr. Anthimos "unfortunately did not try to restrict" the name of the Greek scientist who provided him with this information and would ask him to see him again to speak more openly about this topic.

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