In 448 the number of deaths of demonstrations of the last three months


According to a new report released today by the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights

At least 448 people who died in the protests are taking place in Nicaragua against the government of President Daniel Ortega, According to a more recent report (CENIDH)

CENIDH announced that the report of the victims, which was estimated at 351 dead so far, has been reported The government has not officially released the record of incidents and seems to recognize only the deaths of his police and his supporters

The wave of demonstrations that erupted on April 18, on the occasion of a plan to reform the social security system very quickly abandoned, had unprecedented dimensions in Nicaragua. The protesters' main claim is the departure of Ortega, a 72-year-old former rebel who has been president since 2007, after his first term in office from 1979 to 1990.

Opponents accuse Ortega of Having imposed a "dictatorship" on his wife, Rosario Murigio, vice-president of his government.

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