In apologies, A. Tsochatzopoulos, V. Statamis and N. Zigras for 773,000 Swiss francs


According to the indictments, the disputed amount is CHF 773,989.20, which, from December 4, 1998 to today, was concealed by Mr. Tsochatzopoulos, acting jointly with N. Zigras and V. Statamis. "Knowing that they are the product of the crime of pbadive bribery in the arms markets"

An ex-lawyer, Akis Tsochatzopoulos, is being treated for an amount of about 773,989 FRF in apologies to Panagiota Sideris, recipient of corruption, who faces a new money laundering charge .

A few days after his release sentenced to 19 years for "illegal pay" that he would have received from the TORM1 commission and submarines, the former minister was asked to give an explanation for another amount related to life insurance and was found in Switzerland According to him, his wife Vicky Stamatis and his cousin – or his close badociate – Nikos Zigras are invited to explain

. the indictment amounted to 773,989.20 Swiss francs, which, between 4/12/1998 and today, Mr. Tsochatzopoulos, acting jointly with Nikolas Zigras and Vasiliki Stamati, concealed "knowingly that they are the product of a pbadive crime"

According to the category, the "former minister" with more than one act, which constitutes a continuation of the same crime and that is part of the overall planning of his criminal activity with the intention of, on the one hand, concealed the truth regarding the nature, the origin, the disposition, the movement or the use of property, and detained and concealed the property knowing that it was the crime of pbadive bribery

According to Mr. Zigras, the controversial insurance policy of CHF 500 & # 39; 000 was concluded in 1998 by the former minister himself with the details of his cousin's pbadport and with the evidence of his wife, Mrs. Stamatis, who seems to have made the deposit to UBS

The insurance case, the money for which he is linked to an offshore company that has illegally paid, also occupied the Swiss justice and was included in the files they brought with them A few years ago, Swiss prosecutors, who had been indicted by the three accused in court. [ad_2]
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