In Athens for AEK Boge! (photos and video) Superleague and AEK


The agreement is essentially given between all parties. The Union, Turin and Argentina. As is the case in these cases – as we usually do … we write – to become a typical AEK player Lucas Boge. In order to complete these formalities, he landed a few minutes ago in Athens and "El. Venizelos, the 22-year-old Vogelis Giannisis

hosted Boege at Spata Airport (as was the case for years on behalf of the Union.) As they all point out, the new acquisition of AEK did not come only in our country.In addition to its lawyer who accompanied him to complete and the official part of the agreement between the two parties, his wife also traveled with him.

Of course, he is already directed to the medical center to do the medical examinations. it will depend on the time it takes to get to the offices of the "yellow-black" club to sign the contract with AEK, or what will happen tomorrow, with the player who goes

At this point, It should be noted that the Argentinean aces is acquired by the Greek champion in the form of a loan (as provided for the agreement with Turin). The option for his purchase reaches 6m euros, and if this agreement is activated, Boeh will be an AEK player and for the next 4 years (1 + 4 in common)

Show videos of his arrival:

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