In Dublin, Prince Harry and Megan Marc – First official trip abroad after their wedding [εικόνες]


Prince Harry and his wife Megan Marc today began their two-day visit to Dublin on their first official overseas trip after their marriage

"I am pleased to welcome the Duke and Duchess of Susbad to the seat of government at the beginning of their visit to Ireland," wrote the Prime Minister Li Varadcar on Twitter

The British prince met Varadkar shortly after IXI them at Dublin Airport. For the occasion, Megan chose a Givenchy dress in a deep green and Harry's suit in dark tones and a green tie.

 Megan Marc / Photo AP images

Later today, attend a party in the garden of the British ambbadador's house in the southern part of the city , where they will meet artisans, sportsmen and representatives of social entrepreneurship.

They will also visit the cultural attractions of the city. among them the oldest university Trinity College, as well as the Croatian Park

 Megan Marc and Prince Harry and Lio Varadkar / Photo AP images

 Megan Marc and the </p>
<p>  The Palace of Kingship sent messages on Twitter in English and Irish, informing of the progress of the visit of Harry and Megan. </p>
<p>  The Prince couple is due to meet with Irish President Michael D. Higgins tomorrow Wednesday before visiting a memorial to the victims of famine in 1840, the Immigration Museum and a startup center based on the technology. </p>
<p>  Many Irish people seem to be interested in the royal family of Britain. For example, the Irish state network covered the marriage of Harry and Megan by the living link </p>
<p>  Source: RES BETA </p>
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