In orbit the country, after (and despite) the maneuvers of Kammenos


Over the last few months, the country's political scene, after Panos Kammenou's dramatic move on Tuesday morning, has made it clear that he will not be content to vote on the Skopje deal (if and when, as he later said in lower shades) as soon as she is in the House, she will also ask for 180 votes, otherwise she will do what people can do, whether by referendum or by election

<img clbad = "lazyload" src = "×541/files/system/thema.jpg" data-src = "https: // i1.×541/files/YouTube/tE7mjI9OmzE.jpg "alt =" kammenosmacedonia [19659003] Since a majority of 180 deputies for the approval of this agreement no not exist in parliament today, early appeal scenarios have fallen on the occasion of the intervention of Mr Kammenos. </ p> <p> In fact, the president of the ANEL seemed to be saying to all the parties s and especially to Maximim that he would throw the government so as not to agree!

However, the surprise was not the move of the Minister of Defense. The surprise came shortly after the Maximos mansion, while the prime minister left open the possibility of demanding a heightened majority in the House, even though a few weeks earlier he categorically ruled out such a possibility

. done, the end of the escape Maximos made it clear that there could be premature elections in a moment that Kyriakos Mitsotakis would not expect

Shortly after, the second surprise came: Skopje had the information, which was reinforced by the Prime Minister Zayev said that the referendum on the acceptance or notification of the agreement of Prespa could be hasty, even from September to the 16th of the month, as the most likely Sunday if the polls are drawn to the neighbor [19659004] This information gave new food to the debate, since a possible adoption of the agreement in Skopje in September could bring ratification to the Greek Parliament well before the end of the year. Which means that the issue of elections in Greece is a few months rather than a year or two, as he tried to persuade Mr. Kamnemos last night (with his statements in ANT1), possibly to reduce some of the noise and limit the dimensions taken during the day.

 Panos burning on ANT1

The defense minister said that he would support Alexis Tsipras at the end of September 2019 in order to rebadure his government partner, but also to prevent the chain reactions of all this shift to political life .

The problem for the government now is that it does not control developments and has entered a spin and an omphaloscopy.

Many believe that once the country goes out and formally the third memorandum, August 21, all scenarios will be examined as soon as the first Secretary of State. If, for example, he falls two months later because of Skopje from his government ally, he may prefer to surprise himself and take his own initiative at the polls. Others, they say, are only a spasmodic move from Mr. Camden, perhaps a political bluff to keep his party as soon as possible after the dilutive tendencies of the last days. And that he will seek to maneuver until the end, in order to save the elections when the time comes.

It is not clear that Mr. Kammenos himself can not fix things, since he gives badurances and gives that he will prevent the ratification of the agreement: it can not impose its ratification by Parliament with 180 votes, which is not required by the Constitution. It can not prevent its ratification by 151 votes, since a different majority may appear in the critical vote by adding to the power of SYRIZA deputies from the center left – perhaps also from ANEL, who will separate their position from Mr Kammenos ! Finally, it is not even certain that he can throw the government and call an election – it will simply have weakened the power of the ruling majority. If Mr Tsipras raises and asks for a vote of confidence, changing the political dilemma, then ANEL will be in a very difficult position, and may still seem disposed of center-left (see Potami) who can help SYRIZA – in any case, the Tsimpas government is not alone in the hands of Mr. Kammenos

In addition to the scenarios, Maximos will now attempt, under the pressure that he agrees, to give answers to calm the spirits, was programmed e

The "friend" and "ally" Zoran Zaev pushed the government to the polls an hour earlier, threatening him to spoil Alexis Tsipras' plans. If the Skopje Prime Minister wins the referendum and the VMRO is forced to withdraw and the constitutional revision is made, the hot potato will arrive in Athens. On the basis of what Panos Kammenos said, this means that the countdown for the early elections will begin.

The sources of Maximus Square insist that the Prime Minister's goal is to exhaust the mandate of the current government. It was however a secret that Alexis Tsipras had long flirted with the double-voice scenario in May 2019. He planned to go to dual elections, both national and European. In this way, he hoped that citizens would be released, channeling their dissatisfaction with the European elections.

All these accounts were without the hotelier. If Zafe stumbles in the referendum in the autumn and therefore the revision of the Constitution becomes impossible, the clock bomb on the foundations of the SYRIZA-ANEL government will not be activated. However, if Zafef won the referendum and managed to revise the Constitution, as required by the Prespa agreement, Alexis Tsipras will have problems

His government should bring the agreement to a sanction in the Greek Parliament. Until recently, his problem was finding the MPs he was missing for sanction, since ANEL had said that they would have fallen. In recent days, however, Panos Kammenos has changed. Before saying that he would vote against the agreement but would continue to support the government. Now, however, he said his party will withdraw from the cooperation, which means the government will lose the declaration.

The only case not to overthrow is Alexis Tsipras to find another government partner to maintain the majority parliament. But all shows that there is no party ready to back down. This means that early elections will be called.

That the Prime Minister of Skopje does not yet know what the question will be in the referendum, but he participated in the referendum. decide that the referendum will be held as soon as possible. According to him, he himself makes it impossible to drive his citizens to the polls in September rather than in October. He does not intend to lose himself for a week.

That is why, after a brief day in Chalkidiki, he rushes with the bullets into a hoarse campaign with a Euro-Atlantic perspective project of his country, ensuring that most of his fellow citizens ratify the agreement of Prespa. In addition, the invitation to a future membership in NATO should be in the hands of mid-July when the Alliance summit will be convened is a political gift weapon, which Zafe intends to use largely in the coming battle

Here everything is fine! Zauf's rush threatens however to turn the waves of the Prespa accord into a political tsunami that, under certain conditions, will also hurt Athens. It is well known that the agreement of Prespa allows Skopje to complete the constitutional revision by the end of 2018. But the image, as we said above , may have disappeared sooner. This means that the mansion Maximus will be found earlier with the hot potato if Skopje meets their obligations

In this case, the attitude of the small and unstable government partner in Greece, as the last days, brings closer the polls . "The agreement of Prespa will not be sanctioned without the opinion of the Greek people.The Greek people will decide.This is done either by voting by 180 deputies or by referendum or by elections. or another, "said Panos Kammenos. And if the Secretary of State for Greeks Abroad, Terence Shikek, put the elections in Greece in September 2019.

Can Alexis Tsipras appear on the international scene as the politician who dared and closed a national question, for which but the account inside becomes more and more heavy. It is not only the political and electoral cost that, according to all the evidence, SYRIZA will pay at the polls. It is also the fact that the coherence of the ruling majority is threatened.

The exhaustion of the quadrennial period seems to be increasingly discarded as a scenario. The Macedonian tsunami, which the government has itself activated, is already at the origin of the first political losses. ANEL is withdrawing, SYRIZA is under pressure from the company and at Maximos Mansion does not find parliamentary reserves to fill the void of ANEL if they end up leaving. If we judge at least public positions, no opposition party, at least coordinated, intends to save the Tsipras government.

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