In the 141 deaths of deadly floods in Japan


Floods and mudflows caused by extremely heavy rains in western Japan left at least 141 people dead, according to the government.

At least ten people are officially missing, said the government spokesman. ] Even now, Japanese media is transmitting information for even more victims.

"The 75,000 police, firefighters, soldiers (…) and coastguards are doing their best" to locate and rescue the victims, Sugha said.

Research and cleaning work continues under the hot sun, Suga continued by emphasizing the "vigilance" to be shown for the risk of heat stroke or excessive sun exposure, but also for d & # 39; Possible new landslides. 19659006] J.

The disasters caused by torrential rains that occurred in western Japan at the end of last week are the worst extreme weather events that have affected the archipelago for more than thirty years

Entire districts flooded villages and towns while water even reached the first floor of buildings, noted the French Agency's journalists.

hours at 118 observation points in about fifteen provinces.

About 70% of Japan's territory is made up of mountains and hills. Many buildings have been erected on steep slopes or in flood-prone plains in high-risk areas. At the same time, many houses in Japan are wooden structures, especially traditional houses in rural areas

Due to the seriousness of the situation, Prime Minister Sinzo Ambe "decided to cancel Wednesday's tour in Belgium, Saudi Arabia and Egypt "must give priority" to rescue and disaster relief and reconstruction, "said the spokesman government at a press conference.

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