In the eye to help the wounded and Manos Pintzis


There are many responses from people to those who have been affected by the murderous rush in Eastern Attica.

Among them, there are many names, who do not hesitate to help in any way possible to investigate the missing persons.

Manos Pintzis spoke to Star's camera and to Vangelis Gouma, from the nightmare that he had had.

"I went into a completely burned house.The temperature was stifling.I imagine in my mind yesterday how it was .. It's terrifying what I see." He added and added: " We are talking to a group of rescuers and tell them we are going to patrol, we have their phones and if we find something, we get a phone call."

" The picture itself is discouraging.The fact that people were burned last night and even the children is very tragic.The beach below is full of animals that were burned, blazing in the sea Tragedy is what we live in. We must stand up to help in any way, "he said.

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