In the final of the Handball World Championship Greece – Handball


Greece, who has already won the silver medal, today (29/7) at 17:00 will play for the title of the championship against Norway

Magda Keepsidou was again A big protagonist of the shootout, Apostolina Dimitriou, who scored 12 goals, scored three shots on goal against the Spanish team

. Federal coach Maria Karantoni stressed: "It's a huge success, we have shown our potential, our world has been better known, we are setting new goals and going forward." We had a very good badysis of the match, we are a little numb, but we found a rhythm.In the shooting, we made a determined decision and we managed.Tomorrow morning we will see a video in Norway, we We will have nothing to fear, we will go to victory. "

Our guard Magda Keepsidou declared: " We dedicate this success to Greece and to all the Greeks we so badly need. This is one of the strongest moments I've ever had as a gymnast, I thank all those who believed in us, we will play tomorrow without stress. final, we will be happy and we will try to get the gold. "

The gymnast i International Apostolina Dimitriou said: "Although it was a very difficult year for me. I had a serious health problem. My dream of being here and the qualification we won last year gave me strength, I convinced and managed the bet that I had with me- even. As a group, we have a lot of faith, we know our potential and today the world has learned it. I want to thank my family who supports me and is next to me, a big thank you for my teammates for the moments we live and finally my coaches. "

SPAIN – GREECE 1-2 (18- 14, 16-18, 2-6)

SPAIN (Larra Kobos): 2, Encinas , Kamaras

GREECE (Karantonis / Demetriou): Samolada, 6 Pimenidou Street, Kaloidis, Kerlidis 4, Skouris 4, Mournou Str., N. Keepsidou

Referees: Spain 6 (6-1 )

2. Greece 4 (5-4)

3. Paraguay 2 (3-5)

4. Australia 0 (2-6)

Final Ranking of the 1st Group (2nd Phase)

1. Spain 10

2. Poland 6

3. Greece 6

4. Paraguay 4

————– ——–

5. Uruguay 2

6. Taipei 2

Program – Results of Greece

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Spain – Greece 2-1

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Greece- Taipei 2-0

Greece- Poland 0-2

19659002] Ve ndredi 27 July 2018

Greece- Uruguay 2-1

Saturday, 28 July 2018

Paraguay 0-2

Poland – Norway 1-2 [19659002] Greece – Russia 2-1

Spain – Denmark 2-1


Brazil (19659002)

15:00 Brazil – Spain

Spain – Greece 1-2

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