A nineteen-year-old Spanish woman, Patricia Aguilar, who had disappeared from her home a year and a half ago and thought she was dead, was found in the Peruvian jungle where she was held hostage by heresy .
When the Peruvian police found her in a hut in the Peruvian jungle, they had trouble recognizing her on the basis of the photographs that they had at their disposal. The 19-year-old Spanish girl did not remind him of the beautiful and smiling teenage girl she knew herself. Caught in the hands of a religious heritage, Patricia was very weak, in miserable hygiene, and held a newborn baby in her arms.
The police, after his testimony, arrested Stévento Felligo Manrice, a sect guru who proclaimed himself "the messenger of God" and called himself "the prince of Gurdjiev."
In the hut with the exception of Patria, two women and five children were found: the youngest, born just a month ago, was the head of the sect
Rishi lived in Elche and met by Facebook the "guru" in a very delicate moment of his life, having lost an uncle with whom were very attached. The "guru" exploited his weakness and presented himself as "the Messiah who was in charge of the salvation of the world" who would save his disciples in the Apocalypse. In fact, Manricus kept a kind of harem, forcing his "prey" to have bad with him and to consume ayahuasca, a local drink that causes hallucinations and anxiety attacks.
Believing the words of Manrice, 18 year old stole $ 6,000 from his family and, on January 7, 2017, flew to Peru. In February, Alberto Aguilar's father publicly denounced his disappearance and informed the press of how the brain had been washed. Alberto started a Facebook page to find his daughter and also managed to raise funds for research in order to find his tracks.
The work of the Patricia family helped the police find her whereabouts. When the police entered the hut, they found the head of the sect in meditation, while next to him were two women with clear signs of physical violence.
Now, his father is afraid that the girl does not want to return to Spain: My daughter in Peru is illegal, so I hope that it will be published in Spain, "Alberto told El Mundo. "We do not know what to do with the child, but we would like to return to Patria in Spain."
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