
At we read:

Realfm 97.8 and Manos Niflis met with the Inspector General of Public Administration, Maria Papaspyrou, for research conducted at the HCDCP and important documents found in the "crypt" of the organization.

"Nevertheless, in the newspaper" Doumento "I did not give it.The inspectors, with perseverance, have systematically discovered the warehouse of these documents.This was a warehouse and there was a plasterboard The documents are obviously useful because they were not there, they could not save them and move them in boxes.To be transported, these are obviously important documents.I do not know all the documents, these are known prosecutors.I sign the control commands, the orders for the inquiries and I will take the conclusion when it is finished.It is preliminary, it is not a report of control, I can do it and I have a say, here are the prosecutors of corruption and I have not done anything there, "Papaspyrou said.

At the same time, he said that "for the inspectors to register all the documents and come here with the boxes of documents, that means that the documents are very serious." It becomes a very serious research, these documents do not just reverse the documents. This is in the context of the ongoing preliminary investigation.I had said at the beginning that there were no papers, that is why we We are already late, there were no documents and the mouths closed, we found nothing.The documents are irrefutable witnesses, only for falsity a document "will fall".

"What's happening is unprecedented, it has not happened anymore." Let the verification be done, let's see what the result will be. Beyond, you can shout and bring your objections. Since the beginning all these voices why? Threaten the inspectors? ", He added.

In dealing with Mr. Georgiades' complaints about the Touloupakis Attorney's order, Ms. Papaspyrou replied: "A mixed step runs by night.The scales are here and operate under the direction of Ms. Touloupaki. are sent directly to prosecutors of corruption and the orders are taken by the inspectors of the corruption.The first mandate for HCDCP is in 2016 and we seek, will not we seek them? We bring documents which are not the 39, original, will not look for?



"The research is underway, the whole HCDCP is under investigation, nothing will be left unanswered, I do not draw any conclusions, I give orders to inform me, the control is my only responsibility. inspectors contact the prosecutors In the preliminaries, the direct control and supervision of the Prosecutor, not I. The investigation concerns the inspectors, "he added, stressing that" when too much is reported, we must determine if the team inspectors are responsible for doing so, any investigator can not sign everything, he / she must be responsible for it.To take a mixed step in the HCDCP since November 2016, they sent it in April 2017. At the insistence of the Prosecutor, it was not, if the Prosecutor at the top did not become a mixed step. "

As for Mandra, Papaspyrou argued that "in Mandra, the provisional finding that liability was engaged was made public in December." We checked arbitrarily, objections were made. now be revealed because we also found other problems in the survey. "

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