Investigation against Ivanov for his refusal to ratify the Prespa agreement


The Skopje Prosecutor's Office opened a preliminary investigation into the non-signature by the President of the Republic, Giorgi Ivanov, the presidential decrees of two laws: the law on the use of languages ​​and the law of ratification The Prespa Agreement.

The preliminary inquiry was opened in connection with two anonymous complaints lodged with the public prosecutor's office.

The Language Act, which provides for the extension of the use of the Albanian language, was pbaded twice, as was the law on the ratification of the Prespa Agreement. However, the President of FYROM has Giorgi Ivanov refuses to sign them even if he is obliged under the country's constitution.

The non-signing of the two decrees by the country's president has not allowed the publication of these two laws in the FYROM Gazette.

The prosecutor's office in charge of this preliminary inquiry requested information from the FYROM Parliament and the office of the President of the country about when these laws were pbaded by the legislature and why they did not. have not been adopted. is always signed by the president.

Giorgi Ivanov comes from opposition VMRO-DPMNE, who opposes the increasing use of the Albanian language in FYROM, as well as to the Prespa Agreement.

Giorgi Ivanov is in his second and last five-year term as President of the FYROM, which ends in May 2019.

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