Investigations into 36 cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in Chile


The Chilean authorities are investigating 36 cases in which bishops, clerics, deacons and other workers of the Roman Catholic Church of Latin America are accused of badual abuse, announced Monday the National Public Prosecutor

. are among the 144 cases of badual abuse involving 158 church workers since 2000, the prosecutor said in a statement

These figures were published during the (19659002) "We are We met (with leaders of the Roman Catholic hierarchy) and we sought to agree on a coordinated approach to human rights and crimes against freedom of thought in the Chilean National Prosecutor's Office. will help advance cases under investigation, "said Torres, while Reuters broadcasts and broadcasts the Athens news agency. Chilean judicial authorities have for the first time collected data on complaints from the whole country in order to fully control the scandal of badual abuse perpetrated by priests and workers of the Catholic Church who insist that it will return to the publicity. In the past, most cases of badual abuse by priests who had seen the light of publicity were prescribed and manipulated by the Roman Catholic hierarchy on the basis of ecclesiastical law. However, organizations representing victims complain that the sanctions imposed are too lenient given the gravity of the crimes, and in some cases the Roman Catholic hierarchy did nothing

In addition to the 36 cases # 39; object of the investigation, 108 others were sentenced, 23 were sentenced, two were acquitted and 22 were handed over to other judges, as the offenses committed were committed before the date of arrest. Of the 266 alleged victims, 178 were children or adolescents when the crimes they committed.

In May, Pope Francis called the 34 Chilean bishops in Rome, where he harshly criticized them because of the findings contained in a report prepared by his chief investigator for cases of badual violence. This report mentions "gross negligence" and omissions in investigations into allegations that children were badually abused and that evidence of crimes was destroyed

An American Bishop, Barrett-Doyle Responsibility, he told the Reuters news agency that the badumptions that have arrived at the authorities are likely to be a "drop in the ocean" compared to the number of cases reported only to the Roman Catholic hierarchy, " It is now clear that the impunity of the Roman Catholic Church in Chile is ending, that bishops and cardinals will now be responsible on the basis of secular law as well as the ordinary citizen. "

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