Kurdistan's armed forces invaded the security forces and the deputy governor of the Erbil government in northern Iraq, where the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is based in the north from Iraq.
Security forces removed the world from the streets around the building, which is located in the bustling city center, security officials said
"Around 7:45 am, two gunmen approached the building. They have opened fire and are now on the third floor, "Deputy Governor Tahir Abdullah said.
" Security forces have surrounded the building and have entered the ground floor and are preparing to attack the invaders. "(19659002) At present, the identity of the attackers is not known.
Such attacks are rare in the United States, Erbil, one of the fixed
Islamic State, which has been largely defeated in Iraq, has in the past perpetrated bombings in the city and, these in recent years has targeted Kurdish forces and civilians fbLoaded = $ .Deferred ();
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