Israel and Hamas agree to restore peace in Gaza


In the early hours of Saturday, Israel and Hamas agreed to restore peace in the Gaza Strip, said a spokesman for the Islamic organization

: "With the efforts of the Palestinian Authority, Egypt and the United Nations, Hamas spokesman Fawuji Bahru said: "The Israeli authorities have not commented directly on the announcement, but an army spokesman said said that Saturday morning racial activity in Gaza that became known. Yesterday, Palestinian gunmen killed an Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army announced, releasing dozens of bombings in the Palestinian enclave, killing four Palestinians, including the three Hamas fighters. The fourth victim was a protester, local residents and doctors said.

The Israeli soldier was the first to be killed on the Gaza front during his post-war mission between Israel and Hamas, a spokesman for the Israeli army said. Fighter planes and tanks bombed military targets in the Gaza Strip, accusing Hamas of climbing. (19659003) Since March 30, at least 149 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army and more than 4,000 have been arrested

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