Israel broke an army of Syrian air – World


The Syrian aircraft fired on Tuesday by Israel crashed on the Syrian part of the Golan Heights, the Israeli army announced.

The plane pilot was killed and the plane crashed on ISIS-controlled Syrian territory near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, a source not known as Syrian adjacent to Damascus.

"Crashed and Crashed" Israeli army spokesman Jonathan Konrikous told reporters. Confirmed that the plane was Syrian, not Russian. "All we know about the plane, is that it's probably crashed in the southern part of the Syrian Golan."

A Syrian military source accused Israel of firing on a Syrian aircraft while it was carrying out operations against jihadists in Syria.

Israel "targeted one of our planes (…) in Syrian airspace," said the source, quoted by the official Sana news agency, as saying: however, did not specify whether the plane had been defeated. "The Israeli army is alarmed and will continue to act against any violation of the 1974 agreement to withdraw the forces," warned the military, "the Jewish state had said it had fired a Syrian aircraft in Israeli airspace "

. Israel

In 1974, an agreement was signed to establish a demilitarized zone between the two countries one year after the Arab-Israeli Yom Kippur war in 1973. However, Syria and Israel did not sign an agreement of peace

Israel was arrested after the attack launched on June 19 by the Syrian regime and its allies on the rehabilitation of areas under the control of guerrillas in the provinces of Derais and Kunaira in southern Syria. These areas are bordered by the Golan Heights, affiliated with the Israelis

. Israel annexed these territories to 1,200 km2 in 1981. This has never been recognized by the international community

. not to engage in the Syrian conflict, but repeatedly hit the targets of the Damascus regime and its allies on Syrian territory

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