It has incomplete information about the situation in the universities


For incomplete information on the current state of universities, the Minister of Education Kostas Gavroglou the language teacher George Babiniotis, on the occasion of an article – an open letter from the former Rector of the NDC, which proposed as a last resort the general temporary suspension of the functioning of universities "until the decisions taken by the responsible state and measures taken by those responsible for the lifting of the unacceptable, and degrading situation ".

In a question from a journalist concerning the positions expressed by Mr. Babiniotis, Mr. Gavroglou replied that "Mr. Babiniotis is rather incompletely informed and that, of course, this occurs one day after Mr. Mitsotakis' appeal. institutions run by the police do not help anyone. "

"But what strikes me is that you know that Mr. Babiniotis was Minister of Education for a short time.He was Minister of Education when two shocking events occurred at this place.First the "haircut", remember the haircut of the bonds.The universities of the 120 million reserves that they had dropped to 33 million.Then they came, all the rectors to Mr. Babiniotis and asked him to close the university for symbolic reasons one day and Mr. Babiniotis refused, "added the Minister of Education. :

"The other is when Mr. Mitsotakis made thousands of administrative and academic staff available, and then he was called for symbolic reasons to close the universities and Mr. Babiniotis again refused."

"So I say that one must also respect its history – all of us, not just Mr. Babiniotis – and have a basic consequence.I say that the demand for closure of all universities at this time does not help the democracy or a democratic debate on the problems faced by very specific universities, because we do not generalize them all, "continued Mr. Gavroglou. :

"And if you want, it's my criticism of Mr. Babiniotis and Mr. Mitsotakis, that they want to promote a country where his universities are a joke, we are not such a country, we are not by no means and I challenge you to go to the universities, not the three outlets for which there will be specific announcements next week. "

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