"It was once a strong country"


"Es war einmal ein starkes Land". In German, it means "it was once a strong country". The first page of Der Spiegel circulates with the three colors of the German flag, but with the merger of the paintings, with a color that melts into the other. The problem is that the black color overcomes and overflows covering the rest.

The traditional newspaper of the German political center, formerly the institutional voice of German Social Democracy the magazine that brought to light Vili Brad, who supported Helmut Schmitt and supported Schröder, says in his latest edition that the Germany is experiencing an end of season.

The problem is that it focuses on two elements. We are for Angela Merkel and Chancellor, who is tired after 13 years of domination of the Iron Maiden of the former East Germany. The second element focuses on the humiliating defeat of the national football team, who was forced to return to the country. He failed to justify the title of world champion and succumbed.

According to Der Spiegel, the two faces of the tragedy are Angela Merkel at Chancery, and Joaquim Lev at the head of the National Football Team, who has been in the same position for 12 years. These 13 years for the first and 12 for the second mark and the historical period that has now expired. And "Der Spiegel", in the role of Tiresia or Pythia, tries to solve the puzzle of the puzzle by asking them both to wonder if the time has come to say goodbye.

The German magazine, however, circulates a day when everything is played in Berlin. Merkel's mandate, the strength of the ruling coalition and the power of the political system are being played out. The ADF, alternative party, is hit by the corner, the political formation that in a parliamentary form barely covers its true political identity, which is authoritarianism, xenophobia, racism and the restoration of some taboos from the past, which have marked the darkest pages of the German nation. Perhaps, therefore, this question of Der Spiegel is left to be a prophecy in history.

Last updated: Monday, 2 July 2018, 12:21 pm

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