It was the night of Harry Cain and Gerry Mina |


Two were the faces of a dying match between England and Colombia. Harry Caine and Gerry Mina.

The two footballers achieved remarkable records.

– The six goals that he completed tonight gave the second place to 24 years in England's list with the best scorers of all time, skirting Jeff Hast, who .. fell to third with 5 goals. Gary Linkecker is at the top with 10, but Kain … continues to despise him as he continues in the tournament.

– He became the second Englishman to score six World Cup goals, matching Linker's performance at the 1986 World Cup.

– In the 57th match with Colombia, Kain became the 5th player in scoring three penalties (19659002) – In his debut at the World Cup, Cain scored six goals, which he has scored in all of his World Cup matches up to now Lionel

– The Tottenham striker was shot from a penalty shot at 57 from the encounter with Columbia, the first footballer in the history of England, after 1939 and Tommy Lotton, who finds nets in six consecutive entries with the "three lions".

Colombian record Gary Mina:

– With the third goal of this year's World Cup, Mina has set the record with most defenders of a World Cup. The German Paul Brighton had achieved something similar in 1974.

– Mina became the first player to score three World Cup goals after Miroslav Klose (Germany), who had five in 2002. [19659002] 19659013] (function () {var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []) if (! _fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); fbds.async =; fbds.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode .insertBefore (fbds, s); _fbq .loaded = true;} _fbq.push ([‘addPixelId’, ‘364643247051601’]);}) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([‘track’, ‘PixelInitialized’, {}]); [ad_2]
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