"It's time for Kosovo and Serbia to reach an agreement"


US Internal Security Advisor John Bolton said on Tuesday that "the time has come for Kosovo and Serbia to reach an agreement," after meeting with the head of the United States. the separatist region Hashim Thaci at the White House.

The United States is "ready to help both parties reach this historic goal," Bolton said via Twitter.

Kosovar President Thaci expressed optimism about his own publication on the same social networking site, expressing his gratitude and thanks to Bolton "for the absolute support of Kosovo by this government" from the United States of America.

"We have agreed that there is a historic opportunity for a dialogue that the two countries should not miss," said Thaci, adding that it would help the former Serbian province join its ranks in the future. 39; NATO. and the UN.

The meeting between Bolton and Thaci took place one day after the meeting between the President of Kosovo and the US Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mike Pombeo, who encouraged Kosovo to "seize this unique opportunity to reach a historic and comprehensive agreement on standardization (of his relations) ". with Serbia "on the basis of the EU-mediated dialogue process," said US diplomat Heather Naughter.

Pompeo asked Pristina to lift the additional 100% tax it imposed on products imported from Serbia last week, in response to the Belgrade campaign to prevent Kosovo from joining Interpol.

"The normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is the only way to pave the way for the future integration of the two countries into the community of Western nations," according to a statement released by Nawert.

Kosovo, where 90% of the population belongs to the Albanian nation, proclaimed its independence from Serbia in 2008 after a bloody conflict. It is recognized by many Western powers, but never by the Serbian government, which still considers the province to be part of its own territory.

Last updated: Wednesday 28 November 2018, 07:02

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