I've been accused of being generous with Greece


Excerpt from Sylebee's interview on the issue DW's Conflict Zone

In an interview with Deutsche Welle, the former German Finance Minister commented on the announcement of the resignation of Angela Merkel from the presidency of the CDU and the Chancellery: "I think it's made the right decision at the right time. " "He noted that" the Greeks did not respect the rules ".

An in-depth interview not to be missed and references to Greece attributed to DW and Conflict Zone the speaker of the German Parliament and former MEP B. Schoeble.

Speaking before Deutsche Welle, the former German Finance Minister, who remains one of the most popular politicians of his country, commented on the principle of that day, which was no different from the announced departure of Angela Merkel from the presidency of the CDU. chancellery.

"I believe that he has made the right decision at the right time.Because of the lessons learned from the Weimar Republic, the position of a Chancellor elected in our Constitution is very strong.An elected Chancellor can not be removed by His testament is that if the majority of German deputies elect another chancellor, and with all due respect, in the present circumstances in the Bundestag, that would be unthinkable, and his position is strong because of the Constitution. "

The battle of succession has begun

B. Schaulle admits that the battle of succession has already begun, he points out that he does not want to be involved in speculation about aspiring presidential candidates and believes that this battle will not be as bloody as many predict. badysts.

Commenting on the electoral successes of the ethno-Albanian AfD, which after the elections in Hesse is now represented in all German Länder, the president of the Bundestag refutes the badessment that his party's policy on refugees would have been the catalyst for the rise of far right Germany. "No, this is not the case," says Schauble. "Because of our particular and tragic history, we have had the advantage, for more than 65 years, of not having far-right parties, unlike in other European countries. In Finland, the Netherlands, Italy and elsewhere, today, 70 years after the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, we seem to be evolving in this field towards a European normality. Do not like it, but that's it. "

The 76-year-old politician reiterates his earlier conviction that Germany will never give up nationalism. "Yes, I'm absolutely sure, we have about 13% (the percentage of AFD in the last election), which means that the remaining 87% think differently, I think the other countries would be happy if their extreme parties right were only 13%. "

Italy and Greece

Invited to comment on the fact that in the controversy with the Italian Government the Commission decided for the first time to reject a national budget, B. Schoeble drew a parallel with Greece. "[…] I would be delighted if all those who speak to them today from Italy had supported me when we were trying to explain to the Greeks that they must abide by the rules. "

However, he refutes the accusation that he had "overstepped" Greece in the past. "No accusation in my speech was that I was generous to Greece – and it was true because the Greeks did not follow the rules – but we did all this in the right way. "

source Deutsche Welle

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