Jerome: "I will speak last and you will understand that the noise was a bubble"


"I will speak last and you will notice that all this noise was a noisy bubble," said Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos

The declaration of Ieronymos was made after the inauguration of the new structure of the Refuge des Anciens of the Archdiocese of Athens, when it was informed of the visit of the Minister of Education, Kostas Gavroglou to Phanar.

At the same time, with regard to the work that he inaugurated, he focused on the response of the faithful and emphasized that the work that the Church does not do without the response of the world and especially the poor. "With little effort and good management, with the approach of the poor and the rich, we will always get such results "he added, adding: "With the collaboration of the state, the projects come to life and by working together we go beyond the bureaucracy because they need a lot of pressure and work, and we will have to be able at some point to show all the work that has been done. been accomplished by the Church. "

Earlier, the archbishop of Archbishop Thespias of Simeon, House of the elderlyin the presence of Archdiocese chiefs of staff, politicians, representatives of local authorities, clergy and faithful. Archimandrite Philotheos Orphanoudakis, director of the shelter, thanked Archbishop Hieronymus for his support and spoke about the history of his structure, his work and his activities.

Subsequently, the Archbishopfor his part, after thanking and congratulating P. Philotheos, he welcomed the people of the "house", as he described, why "So we should try to be these centers". In addition, he stressed that "those who are staying here should be warm, because here they are not people's warehouses" and called those who work in the corresponding structures. "Serve the image of God". He also spoke about the value of volunteering, especially the hundreds of women who help and support the work of coats. This new structure of the archdiocese is located in a renovated building of Fly Street, in Agios Panteleimonas, and has inside a chapel dedicated to the saint, as reported by ANA-MPA.

The Ecclesiastical Foundation of Charity Homes of the Elderly was founded by the act 1374 / 26-09-1974 of the Archbishop of Athens and all of Greece Seraphim. It is a non-profit and non-profit organization that operates under the supervision of the General Philoptic Fund of the Archdiocese of Athens. The purpose of creating the Foundation is to: a) provide shelter, food, heating, protection, care, care and basic care to persons over 65 years of age who are unable to live at home; To take care of themselves because of health problems, environment, mostly poorly paid or without financial resources, and b) To ensure, through religious education, to those who wish and who needs it so that they have "the end of their life".

The Foundation is run by a three-member board of directors, which decides on the organization and operation of the household and represents it in court and amicably. He holds a license for the establishment (n ° Pr.8737 / 22-07-2008) and a license of exploitation (project n ° 5291 / 15-04-). 2009) of the Athens area, from where it is supervised twice a year and meets all the requirements. by law for the adequate and safe life of caregivers.

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