The Possibility of Using Jesus Cannabis Oil and the Apostles to Make "Miracles" Leaves a British Historian and Author of Books That Encourage the Use of Marijuana
David Benderson argues that cannabis was prevalent in the Middle East 2000 years ago and that people at the time used it for medical purposes
As argued by the controversial historian, the kaneh-bosem component in the anointing oils used by the church in the early Christian era was a cannabis extract that helped heal people with physical or mental illnesses
"Historical evidence shows that cannabis was widely available at the time – they needed to know how to grow it and take advantage of its medical properties" Bendencott told Daily Star, a view shared by the cannabis researcher Chris B ennett who in a magazine article on the so-called "soft drugs", the High Times, argued that there is archaeological evidence proving the medical use of cannabis at that time.
However, many historians and other scholars dispute Benesok's claim that Jesus and the Apostles used marijuana
The Professor of Botany at the University of New York. Oid Dominion, Lee John Maselman says that the evidence that marijuana was a component of the holy oil of the anointing is "so weak that I would not give them any meaning." As he remarked, keneh-bosum is probably the calamus acrous or Calamus aromaticus, the perfume, known for its precious essential oil, rather than a psychotropic substance
"Kalamos is a very important element of medicine Ayurvedic and proved effective " he says. " For example, in Sri Lanka, it is found in all herb shops and in many homes around the world. "
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