Juncker goes to the NATO summit and the famous twitter: Serve "breasts" in Brussels?


They probably did not invoke the official apology for Jean-Claude Juncker's instability as a side effect of salihalgia. For the rallying of the legendary "Methystaka" of the President of the European Commission, Orestis Makris, he also did not convince the invocation of an old and extremely serious traffic accident, including Mr Juncker has suffered in various ways since then. On the contrary, the difficulty that he visibly encountered, even though he simply stood up without bearing the line of commemorative photo set at the NATO summit, was arsonist and provoked an explosion of contemptuous comments. Something like throwing alcohol into the fire

Looks like the appearance of Jungker in Brussels, with the step by step, badisted "walker-army" like a child downstairs age learning to walk, but also his childish tendency to cruelly kiss anyone who saw him as s he was his beloved family, could be in tune with the version that Jean-Claude Juncker had prepared for the farewell gala who followed.

<img clbad = "lazyload" src = "https://i1.prth.gr/images/963×541/files/system/thema.jpg" data-src = "https://i1.prth.gr/ images / 963×541 / files / YouTube / oecvYFq_wi0.jpg "alt =" Mr. Johnker's couple towards alcohol is a common secret, although it is a common secret with the European Union of North, with some liqueurs of liqueurs, drinkers and beverages in general

<img clbad = "lazyload" src = "https://i1.prth.gr/images/963×541/files/system/thema.jpg" data-src = "https://i1.prth.gr/images/963×541/files/YouTube/oecvYFq_wi0.jpg" alt = "Jean-Claude Juncker stumbles and is helped by the leaders of the gala of NATO. is by definition a strong glbad. He, however, in an interview with him in 2016, had denied that he had an addiction problem. Then he said, "Do you think I could do my job if I drank cognac with my breakfast? It hurts me when I hear that I have a problem. And also these rumors cause my husband to wonder if I secretly hide from her, because at home I never drink. The truth is, however, that after the car accident that I had in 1989, my left foot is unstable. And I have to rely on a balustrade when I go up the stairs. After this trip, I had stayed three weeks in a coma. And then in a wheelchair for six months. "

With the sound and drunkenness caused by the inappropriate image of the Chairman of the Commission and a personality with great real and symbolic power for the United Europe, some even without a name, They criticized Jean-Claude Juncker mercilessly, which was characteristic of Hubert Gambini, a partner of Spanish MEP Ramon Tremosa, on Twitter: "I have no evidence that Mr. Juncker was drunk, so it seemed. If his problem is saliva, then we should have the right to see a medical certificate! The Commission is a public body. Mr. Juncker is well paid by taxpayers. Does this hurt the image of Europe? And what about the trust of European citizens in the European adventure? "

On behalf of Jean-Claude Juncker, they were only statements of instability because of the scourge of the 63-year-old Commission President. All that goes beyond this is personal data, and there is "no other official comment." Unofficially, however, Twitter is angry.

It then follows an enthusiasm of the tweets most imaginative around Jean-Claude Juncker's precarious balance:

At the NATO session they have to serve reels.
That's why he hummed the junker

If you are drunk for alcohol, tell the police officer that you have sciatica and he does not believe you are showing him the video with Juncker

July 19, 2018

July 19, 2018 [19659008] Judge Yunker pic.twitter.com/zaJbUwuXaU

– Ivan o Tromeros (@Ivan_oTromeros) July 12, 2018

Juncker feels Boutaris in Brussels …

– kostas73 (@ 73_kostas) 12 July 2018

Clutch Bag Runda Junger

– Nadakler (@Nadakler) July 12, 2018

And Melanie Athena drank Juncker

– La_Kappa (@La_Kappa_) July 12, 2018

Jesus can walk in the water but # Juncker sails to the earth pic.twitter.com/gAbLj0vBI6

– Fear (@XL_parafron) July 12, 2018

Hear the Yunker. For a coffee in Petralona is …

– Redskin 4ever, ?? (@ 4everRedskin) July 12, 2018

That Juncker can stand in his post after * this * video? Seriously now?

12 July 2018

European Commission sources have explained that Yunker's situation is a sciatic problem that recently tormented him

– ⚽Ένα Γιώργος ??? (@ggkriniaris) 12 July 2018

Your order #Juncker #juncker # NATO pic.twitter.com/BKJE5c9PbZ

– SanchoPanza (@SanchoPanzaGr) July 12, 2018

Juncker was or was joked again

– Dimitris Aloukos (@dims_al) July 12, 2018

The junker again. It was not in Greece that the umbrella was held by him and the sun was hitting him. https://t.co/gVhrba5ncF

– Nikon Tzilianos (@Tzilianos) July 12, 2018

Juncker drank all the vineyards until Norway drank

– RAJA (@toshidram) July 12, 2018

I understand Yunker, however, you can not bear them all if you have not drunk! ???? pic.twitter.com/1kAkOVWACw

– Angel (@aggeliki_desli) July 12, 2018

Take over Yunker and the leadership of NATO. No advisers. Alone. I believe him.

– adiasistos (@adiasistos) July 12, 2018

I thought it was just when I was coming from Arta to Petroupolis, but Juncker did it at a summit from NATO. #Juncker

– Giannis A-Giannis (@BrazucaWhore) July 12, 2018

Jean-Claude Juncker, Boris Yeltsin of Europe. And a Europe being dissolved … https://t.co/OIWTR5BPRI

– as you … (@neosklavos) July 12, 2018

Shocked Jonker who was in agreement with the carbohydrates of Panar

July 12, 2018

When I will be Prime Minister , I will bring the official guest and the wine taster Junger to all the festivals of the 15th

– ⚽ Ένα Γιώργος ??? (@ggkriniaris) July 12, 2018

-Do you play chess on Yunker?
-I am in a pinch

– Ivan Tromeros ?☠️ (@Ivan_oTromeros) July 12, 2018

– Old junkie …
– What do you say, Mrs. Merkel, I am abhorred, are these things happening? 12 July 2018

Vangelis (@vagtsal) 12 July 2018


Junker is returned at the top of NATO! Fortunately, by his side was still the Zaf of the Northwest that kept him from falling! (19459055) pic.twitter.com/klEfm4IPPS

– Alexandros Charoulis (@FragileAlex) July 12, 2018

I drink and
– and I do not care about my love,
the world this what he will say
(Excerpt from Jean Clint Juncker's speech at the NATO Summit) https: // t. co / 6E6BMaHtRX

12 July 2018

Yes, drunk was Juncker because he can not resist Trump's demands for increasing EU defense spending in NATO. In his sobriety, he calls 10,000 border guards for Frontex and the creation of a military captain

– adespotoolikis (@Adespotoolikis) July 12, 2018

Jonker shows here the direction taken by the EU.
– Johny be good (@ saras_44) July 12, 2018

Yunker beats our high cups

– Kafros … (@O_Kafros) July 12, 2018

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