Kammen denounces corruption in Skopje on the VMRO line


New fires caused by Panos Kammenos who, with his message some time ago on Twitter, is mainly adopting complaints of corruption in Skopje in order to Prespa Agreement.

The Minister of National Defense indirectly refers to the statements he made to journalists, the secretary general of the VMRO-DPMNE opposition coalition, who: spoke of 2 million proposals made to members of his party to … abandon their vote.

"Who would have imagined that in Europe values ​​and democracy, whoever will not vote on orders will be sentenced to imprisonment and will get a bonus of 2,000,000 euros in black money. I am ashamed, "wrote the Minister of National Defense, thus giving a substantial follow-up to the open debate in the Cabinet and resulting in the resignation of Kotzia.

See his post:


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