Katerina Dalaka: "The world judged and pulled the winner of Elias"


For his relationship with Elias Gotsi, Survivor's winner, Katerina Dalaka, speaking to People and Marino Vithoulka, is sincere: "Elias was in the hunting squad and the only person I n? I did not know better and to hang out, only in the end we had four people left.Object and based on statistics, he was the strongest player.Elias and I had the most wins. "The coach staff emerged as the Survivor's big winner. After a party, Katerina considers the result to be right. "I Can not Judge What's Right and Unfair."

Although Elias Gotsis was the Survivor's winner, Katerina Dalaka twice had her followers on Instagram and a dynamic in social media that s & # 39; 39; larger. "Every day I receive thousands of messages, while the most common is the expression" For us, you are the conqueror of our heart. "It's very moving, it's enough for me. "The athletes have a special relationship with greystale and sooibiz, in the sense that it's not their best role to be featured in the covers of magazines and sites." does she manage the popularity she has gained through the survivor? "I feel the love and try to bring her back with a smile and cuddles. Only grateful I can be with everything that happens to me, "he explains.
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