Katoigalos: Liberalization of "two" conditions for the normalization of relations with Turkey – Politics


"Lydia's Stone to Normalize Turkey's Relations with Europe and the West", Deputy Foreign Minister George Katrougalos described Turkey's relations with Greece, adding that complete normalization and normalization of our relations, is the release of the two Greek soldiers. "

Deputy Foreign Minister participated in the Summer University of the Party of the European Left – whose opening was initiated by President Gregor Gazi – in the Austrian capital, as part of similar educational events organized in the summer by the party of the European Parliament that address not only their leaders, but also those who are interested in the general political affairs of our continent

In his interview with RES-MPA, the Deputy Foreign Minister emphasizes that "our main national issues are in the East, and one of the reasons we had to close, as we did it, advantageously at the national level, the Macedonian, was precisely to release a valuable diplomatic chapter, We spent on this land and used it where it would count "and added: [19659004] "The meeting Greek Prime Minister with President Erdogan last Thursday can not say he changed the rules of the game, it was essential, ioti lasted two hours, much more than expected, in a climate that the prime minister himself described as hard. This is because the Turkish President has re-presented the problems that we reject because the European legal culture and the rule of law are rebuffed by them: the badociation of the fate of the two Greek servicemen with the eight Turkish officers already refugees. I think that it should be considered positive that a dot and a dash appear to be in the question of correlation, it is obvious that the Prime Minister said that there is no of such compensation perspective, because in fact we do not have any demands, we do what we want to apply in the case of a both military or fair trial for which Turkey has promised his participation in the European Convention on Human Rights. I want to hope that now that Turkey has left the elections behind it, and that there is no reason to use foreign policy for domestic policy purposes, we could see something of better in the days to come. "

As Mr. Katoigalos, one of the reasons for his optimism for a positive solution to the question of the Greek army, is that the accentuation of Turkey's relations not only with Greece but more generally with Europe has led to significant problems for the Turkish economy – a sharp increase in inflation, a sharp decline in the pound, withdrawal of investors – and "this normalization of relations is clearly in the interest of Turkey and President Erdogan is a visionary leader who can not ignore it. "

Turkey's European Perspective, the Deputy Foreign Minister observes that the priorities of M Erdogan is the confirmation of his country as a leading regional power in the Middle East and even as a leader of the Sunni world

. "Like the south, not to the west. But that does not mean that he has abandoned the European prospects of his country, especially because Turkey's main economic partner is still Europe. "

In his interview with ANA-MPO, Mr. Koutougallos points out that During the work of the Summer University," many congratulations, aptly justified in the field of the left, to the solution of this great unpopularity, the Macedonian ", were expressed to the participants.

Historically, a case where both parties won, no one lost, no one was humiliated. Everyone thought that the position of our country was thus improved, not only in the Balkans, but also more generally, and considered as a very effective exercise of foreign policy by a leftist force. "

the same thing" was the Interest in many aspects of what Greece is doing – we are the only political power of the left currently exercising the power of government – how we deal with current situations and challenges, and expressed significant relief from the After leaving the memoranda, we will have much more leeway to carry out a policy as we want it, a progressive policy for the benefit of the workers. "

In one of the circles of discussion where he participated and focused on the prospects for cooperation the EU, and Europe in general, with China, interested strongly to what Greece is doing with the port of Piraeus, where, as Mr. Katrougalos said, he explained that the government had improved the initial contract with COSCO [19659002] "This is so in terms of level of modernization of the facilities, the financial needs of the Greek state, but most importantly we have insisted and managed to have a collective working relationship guaranteeing the rights of employees, because for us it is not a development s & # 39; They do not have a dividend workers in the country. "

In the other round of proceedings and in plenary, where the debates, with the main leaders of European parties, focused mainly on issues of partnerships with the British." James Corbin, Labor Party politician, believes that social democracy has only the future in its roots, as George Katrougalos notes, he repeated what he always said, namely that the future of the social -Democracy can be summed up in a dilemma. "And this dilemma is: PASOCommunication, that is, aligning with neoliberal policies and ventilation, or Corbination, that is, returning to the roots social, defense of the social state, which we see become a majority power. "

" In general, my personal view of what is happening in Europe is not at all pessimistic, and I see that there is a retreat in some countries that could speak of a collapse of the old system policy and the creation of a void. but we find that in the South, not only in Portugal, even in Spain, it is precisely the opposite trend. "

In his interview with RES-MEA George Katrougalos finally emphasizes that" it is the perspective that we want to promote, the basic laboratory of this experiment is in the European Parliament, a very close cooperation between the forces of the left, between the forces of social democracy and its forces Ecology "

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