Kft. Santepi: A new period begins for Greece and France will be on his side


"Coming out of the third program is a good time, a new period begins for Greece, and France will always be on her side," said France's ambbadador to Athens, Christophe Sande, as part of the 14th anniversary of the "Fall of the Bastille" celebrated tonight in the gardens of the Archaeological Museum

In particular, Mr. Sandeti stressed that the Embbady of France will work to strengthen Franco-Greek relations by putting the # 39: focus on investment development and support for Greek youth to stop the brain drain

"This meadow"

It is recalled that the French-granary innovation network Mazinnov is an initiative of the French Embbady in Greece for cooperation between innovative Greek companies and French operators in order to network and support [19659002] Finally, the ambbadador referred to the choice of chairs French Emmanuel Makron to express his attachment to the Europe of Athens, from the Pnyx Hill "to a Europe of solidarity and protection"

"Prep I resist nationalism and populism, support multilateralism is in dispute today, as well as international cooperation. For a better future in Europe and in the world, "he said, concluding the brief message from the ambbadador

naftemporiki.gr with information from the AMPE

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