Knockout for the entire season, Oxley-Chambers


Coach "red" Jürgen Clop confirmed that the English midfielder will not fight the 2018-2019 season after his knee surgery

On April 24, Liverpool hosted the Roma in his first Champions League semi-finals, but the Reds-dominated 5-2 triumph was overshadowed by the serious injury of Oxley Chamberlain in the 18th minute of the match

The seriousness of the injury was felt from the first moment and confirmed with the Both knew the player and the team, but Liverpool having had the final with Real, they chose not to make it public.

Early estimates required the Chambers return to training in October, but that was all. .. false news! Chamberley's knee had become totally embarrbaded (Liverpool is talking about a multiple breakdown of ties) and as officially announced today, he's experienced will not fight at all in the 2018-2019 season! !!

"We knew it from the first moment I hope everyone knows that this information is treated with the necessary respect and responsibility," said Jürgen Clop, adding, "It is reasonable that Ox n & # I did not want this bad news to go beyond the final of the season, the finale, but the truth, and we thought we could tell reality at a more appropriate time. "

Chamberlean, 24 , can now walk and in the coming weeks he will start his most intensive recovery program to be ready at the beginning of the 2019-2020 season.

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