Kondos: "S / he spoils Pappa in the first place, Coponen's first shot" – Basketball – Greece – Panathinaikos – Panathinaikos Superfoods


A small "window" left Dimitris Kontos to find Panathinaikos and Nikos Pappas.

" Give a reasonable time, 4-5 days. There are two sides that are well known and there is a rapprochement. Because it's Pappas and Panathinaikos, I leave a margin. This will not prevent a personal rapprochement declared FM 94.6 .

If there is no solution to the … break, then Petey Copenhagen, not Giannoulis Larenzakis, has the first word to take the place. " The subject Larentzakis is not connected with Pappa.If he definitely beats Pappa, Panathinaikos will be looking to move to Copphene.He is a player more ready.However, Lorenzakis has a list of teams from Euroleague "he said.

Finally, for Mike James and what he said on Twitter, he commented: " The subject of James is shaking him.Even Panathinaikos was an unlimited market, it is doubtful that he Panathinaikos is going to another shot, we do not discuss it as a player, but the madness it carries is not easy to manage throughout the year . "

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