Kontondis in Theodorakis: Realization of the reduction of cases pending before the administrative courts POLITICS


The impressive reduction of cases pending before administrative tribunals in a short period of time is a government achievement, said Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis in a statement released tonight, referring to Stavros Theodorakis' report to Parliament

In particular, as pointed out by Mr. Kontonis in the communication:

"In his speech to the Chamber, Mr. Theodorakis referred, inter alia, to the problem of cases pending before the Greek courts." 1969002 "" This reference is correct, "explains Mr. Contonis," because there are about 195,000 cases pending at the time of the administrative tribunals, "he adds:"

"But I want to inform Mr. Theodorakis of whatever something he obviously does not know because he knew that he would praise the government: in 2015 we received 310,000 cases in the country's Attorney General's office, with a tendency to gmenter. "It is an achievement of the government which, in a very short time, has considerably reduced the pending cases," says Mr. Contonis, concluding:

19659002] "The legislative measures we have taken, the modernization of the administrative procedure, the implementation of the e-Justice program and the recruitment of the judiciary mainly to the administrative staff directly attributed the above results.Through trial by videoconference, which, I hope, will start to apply by the end of the year, we expect that the case pending before the administrative courts will be canceled within two years.With the same direction, we are working also to remove delays in political and penal justice, where we already have the first encouraging results. "

Source: RES MP

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